The Sensex opened 46 points higher at 9,023, and touched a high of 9,087 in morning trades. The index, however, could not hold gains as profit-taking in capital goods, fmcg and select banking......
The Sensex on Monday ended with a loss of 196 points at 14,326 owing to significant losses in energy shares - oil & gas and power. The NSE Nifty ended at 4,235, down 78 points. In the process, the......
The Sensex on Friday opened in the red at 12,093, down 24 points. The index swung between zones till noon wherein it touched a high of 12,180. The index then broke down owing to rise in inflation......
The Sensex on Friday opened up 15 points at 11,149. Thereafter it slipped into the red and touched a low of 11,070. Thereafter the index to rebounded into the positive zone. Agressive buying......
The Sensex on Thursday opened up 24 points at 10,842. Soon the index slipped into the red and touched a low of 10,759. The index, thereafter, rebounded into the positive zone and gained strength as......