Market regulator Sebi has slapped penalties totalling more than Rs 50 lakh (Rs 5 million) on 11 companies since the beginning of the current fiscal for allegedly failing to resolve investor......
Recovery seen in Q4, companies continue to focus on enhancing cash flow After a strong start this festive season, textile and apparel manufacturers and retailers suffered a sharp contraction in......
After a series of negotiations spread over almost a year, the SP Lohia-owned Indorama SPL has sealed the acquisition of Nigerian Eleme Petrochemicals for $225 million. SP Lohia is the brother of OP......
At a time when Indian corporates are falling over each other to grab a share of the Rs 20,000 crore (Rs 200 billion) organised retail opportunity, the Lohia family of Indo Rama has shelved its......
Polyester producer Indo Rama Synthetics (India) is setting up a joint venture in the US with Pegasus Global of Thailand. It expects to close the deal in early April.Named StarPet inc, the venture......