Three Malayalam films reach the screens today on May 1. Lijin Jose’s Law Point, Ajith Pillai’s Mosayile Kuthirameenukal and Babu Narayanan’s To Noora with Love are the films. Here......
Law Point is a lethargic long drive with many low points, says Paresh C Palicha. In director Lijin Jose’s new film Law Point Kunchacko Boban plays a hotshot lawyer, Sathya. He whizzes......
Paresh C Palicha says that Friday 11.11.11 Allapuzha directed by newcomer Lijin Jose with an ensemble cast is passablePeople are talking about the new wave that is happening in Malayalam cinema,......
The big names in Malayalam cinema make sure that one of their major releases hits the screen during the Onam season. After the Ramzan fasting period, the cinema halls are certainly going to be......