India's second-largest passenger vehicles firm will be valued at Rs 1.59 trillion at the top-end of the price band of Rs 1,865-Rs 1,960. IMAGE: Hyundai Motor India Managing Director Unsoo Kim,......
LIC Nomura Mutual Fund hopes to garner around Rs 100 crore (Rs 1 billion) from around 20,000 retail investors under its newly launched Rajiv Gandhi Equity Savings Scheme (RGESS)."We hope to garner......
Well-heeled investors are taking the mutual fund route to benefit from the strong rally in the stock market this year. While overall mutual fund folios, or accounts, have remained stagnant at about......
A follow on share sale of Adani group's flagship company was on Friday subscribed just one per cent on the opening day as shares plunged after a scathing report by a US short seller. Photograph:......
Pray that your fund house doesn't have a strong presence in the hinterland. For, the greater its reach across the country, the higher you will have to shell out on your mutual fund investments......