In a setback to the Delhi police, a city court on Tuesday granted bail to climate activist Disha Ravi, arrested for sedition for allegedly sharing a 'toolkit' related to the farmers' protest on......
India loses 333 acres of prime forest every day. Instead of working to conserve India's forests and water resources, the environment minister has set up a committee to 'dismantle' the five key laws......
The very people whom you would imagine to be supporters of Anna are against him for being exclusivist, high handed, and a stooge for right wing parties, writes Sreelatha Menon Over 2,500 people......
Minister for environment and forests Jairam Ramesh's ambitious plan to redesign the institutions of environmental governance has come up against serious resistance from environmental experts who......
Minister for Environment and Forests Jairam Ramesh's ambitious plan to redesign the institutions of environmental governance has come up against serious resistance from environmental experts who......
A self-certification benefit for polluting industries and a three-year exemption from certain procedural norms for those seeking environmental clearance at the state level are among the sweeping......