The Tamil Nadu assembly on Thursday witnessed sharp exchanges between members after a Communist Party of India-Marxist MLA termed Ramayana an 'imaginary epic,' which was strongly objected by main......
The 136 fishermen from Tamil Nadu, who were detained in Sri Lanka for allegedly poaching in the island nation's waters, returned to Nagapattinam on Saturday. Sri Lankan authorities handed over the......
An attempt by Dalits to enter a temple in Nagapattinam district turned violent on Wednesday after villagers of other castes pelted stones following which the police fired in the air. The Dalits......
The standoff over the issue of entry of Dalits into a temple in Chettipulam village near Porayar in Tamil Nadu has been resolved following peace talks held by the Nagapattinam district......
The Tamil Nadu government on Tuesday cancelled the land allotment to Vedanta group's copper plant in Tuticorin, while the killing of 13 people in police firing there resonated in......