Amid cheers from hundreds of fans, Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan carried the Olympic torch at Southwark in London on Thursday, a day before theopening ceremony of the sporting spectacle. The......
New Zealand, their forwards rampant and their three-quarters in overdrive,crushed England's world champions 36-3 in the first Test.They produced a stunning first-half performance on Saturday,......
Glowering, unrelenting and indomitable to the end, England captain Martin Johnson retired from international rugby union on Saturday at the peak of his form and prestige.No rugby player radiated as......
National hero Jonny Wilkinson will miss England's celebration match against the New Zealand Barbarians next week because of a neck injury, his club Newcastle said.Celebrating the World CupLondon......
England flyhalf Jonny Wilkinson said he was determined not to let success go to his head after returning home to a jubilant welcome on Tuesday after winning the World Cup.An uncomfortable-looking......