A special court on Wednesday gave a clean chit to former External Affairs Minister and senior Bharatiya Janata Party leader Jaswant Singh and nine others in the infamous opium case which surfaced......
Police on Thursday registered a case against senior Bharatiya Janata Party leader Jaswant Singh and nine other party leaders including some Rajasthan ministers for allegedly using opium in a social......
A Special Court in Jodhpur on Monday directed the Rajasthan Police to register a case against former Union Minister Jaswant Singh and nine other Bharatiya Janata Party leaders under the stringent......
A complaint against senior Bharatiya Janata Party leader Jaswant Singh and nine other party leaders, including some Rajasthan ministers, has been filed before a special court in Jodhpur seeking......
In a surprise nomination, outgoing Deputy Chairperson of Rajya Sabha Najma Heptulla, who drifted away from the Congress during the Lok Sabha election, was given a ticket by the Bharatiya Janata......