Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Monday directed his ministry to seek a detailed report from Delhi police over the Kanjhawla incident in which a woman's body was dragged for several kilometres by a......
An eyewitness of the Kanjhawala incident in Delhi where a 20-year-old girl was killed after her scooter was allegedly hit by a car and dragged for a few kilometres on Sunday, narrated the horrific......
A man was allegedly lynched in Rajasthan's Alwar district by a group of people who accused him of smuggling cows, police said. Akbar Khan, 28, and his friend Aslam were taking two cows to their......
A private helicopter, hired along with two other choppers for the visit of Bharatiya Janata Party chief Nitin Gadkari and his family, crashed in Ladpur jungles on Sunday barely hours after the......
A case of murder was registered on Monday against all the police officials involved in the alleged fake encounter of MBA graduate Ranbir Singh in Ladpur jungles in Dehradun on July 3. The First......
Sugar mills in UP owe thousands of crores to cane farmers. Banks are unwilling to lend to the sector. Bhupesh Bhandari and Sahil Makkar dissect the festering agrarian-industrial-social......
Kishan Kumar was a happy man a year ago, having pocketed more than Rs 4 crore (Rs 40 million) from selling nearly 20 acres of fertile land to Reliance Industries Ltd for its 12,355-acre Special......
Mahipal flaunts his Motorola W215 mobile phone fondly to the fellow peasants sitting in village chaupal. He earns his living from two kilas he owns in Ladpur village of Haryana. And he is most......