The Delhi high court on Tuesday asked the Centre to reply on a PIL over striking down the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (GNCTD) Amendment Act which increases the powers of the......
L&T Housing Finance on Thursday announced selling L&T Investment Management (LTIM) to HSBC Asset Management (India) at $425 million. LTIM is the investment manager of the mutual fund business of......
L&T Finance is in advanced stages of negotiations to buy Morgan Stanley's wealth management business in India.The proposed acquisition would help L&T Finance strengthen its foothold in the......
While evaluating mutual fund schemes, often parameters like net asset value (NAV) appreciation, performance vis--vis peers and the benchmark index are considered. Discerning investors are likely to......
'I would advise at least a 7-year investment time frame for equity investing.' Illustration: Uttam Ghosh/ Mutual funds are a popular investment tool for investors because it offers a......
The finance minister has increased dividend distribution tax (DDT) for liquid and money market schemes. Currently these schemes pay 14.03 per cent DDT (including surcharge) on dividends declared.......