Actor Kumar Pallana, 94, who passed away on October 10, has acted in films like in Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums and The Darjeeling Limited. Aseem Chhabra pays tribute. In 1996, I......
Owen Wilson, a close friend of director Wes Anderson since their college years in Austin, Texas -- where they befriended the occasional actor and yoga teacher Kumar Pallana -- won't be doing the......
To the list of half-a-dozen Hollywood films to be shot in India in 2007, which includes Johnny Depp's Shantaram, now add one more: The Darjeeling Limited.Wes Anderson, one of the most......
Steven Spielberg's arresting, bittersweet comedy about an alien stranded at New York's John F Kennedy airport could be a runaway hit, but the superbly acted and energetically narrated film is let......
Kumar Pallana cannot think of a good reason why he did it, but there he was, slowly getting up from his seat and hugging Steven Spielberg, who had just walked into the vast room at his DreamWorks......