The RBI on Friday said it will give banks Rs 1 trillion through targeted long-term repo operations (TLTROs), of up to three-year maturity, to deploy in “investment-grade corporate bonds,......
Gold sales were reported at 40 tonnes last year; this might have been surpassed this year. Jewellery sales jumped 20-25 per cent on the occasion of Akshaya Tritiya on Wednesday; many had booked......
The stabilising of gold prices at lower levels in both the domestic and international markets has advanced both seasonal and festive jewellery demand by over a month. The price is at a......
Last month, Rajan said in Stockholm that the Indian economy would withstand any impact of the Greece crisisThe rupee is likely to weaken this week if the Reserve Bank of India continues to mop up......
Due to volatility in overnight rates, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)’s focus could be on liquidity management in its third bi-monthly monetary policy review, to be detailed on Tuesday. In......