Jammu and Kashmir state on Tuesday got its new Director General Of police as the state cabinet chaired by Chief Minister, Ghulam Nabi Azad, decided to promote Kuldeep Khuda, to the top police job.......
Militants struck in the heart of summer capital Srinagar on Friday morning killing an assistant sub-inspector of the state police. The incident occurred when the state deputy home......
The army on Thursday warned of the possibility of terrorists attempting to disrupt peace in Jammu and Kashmir especially in view of the upcoming Independence Day. "There is a need to be more......
In response to bills issued by the Lashkar-e-Tayiba threatening local policemen if they don't quit their jobs, Jammu and Kashmir's Director General of Police Kuldeep Khuda said the state police was......
Jammu and Kashmir's security advisor and former director general of police Gopal Sharma was on Thursday appointed as director-general of the Special Services Bureau, a central paramilitary outfit.......