The Bharatiya Janata Party on Tuesday opened its account in the Manipur assembly by winning the bypoll in two constituencies of Thangmeiband and Thongju. The BJP trounced the ruling Congress in......
Helped by a fragmented opposition, the Congress on Tuesday swept back to power for the third consecutive time in Manipur with a two-thirds majority in the 60-member assembly. The Congress secured......
The Congress may have been shown the door in Punjab and Uttarakhand, but Manipur came as a silver lining, as the ruling party along with its alliance partner CPI notched up 22 seats of the 58......
A summary of sports events and persons who made news on Sunday IMAGE: Mandeep Jangra celebrates on the podium. Photograph: Boxing India/Twitter Mandeep Jangra (69kg) was the lone Indian boxer......