West Bengal police found three policemen of Jharkhand in a red light area of Asansol during a raid and took them into custody. “Three armed policemen from Jharkhand’s Koderma district......
The death of Delhi-based journalist Nirupama Pathak on April 29 last year was a case of suicide. Her suicide was allegedly abetted by three of her family members and boyfriend, the police said in......
A case of rape and abetment to suicide has been filed against the boyfriend of Delhi-based journalist Nirupama Pathak, an alleged victim of 'honour killing', following charges leveled by her......
A 10 to 12 week-old foetus was found during autopsy of the Delhi-based journalist Nirupama Pathak, whose death at her home at Tilaya in Jharkhand is being suspected as a case of honour killing,......
The parents of Nirupama Pathak, who was allegedly murdered by her family members on Thursday, were taken into custody for interrogation on Monday, a senior police official said. "We have detained......