Karvy expects individual wealth in India to grow to Rs 558 lakh crore over the next five years. Total wealth held by individuals in India has grown 8.5 per cent to Rs 304 lakh crore in FY16,......
Wealth held by individuals in the country is likely to double from the present Rs 73-lakh-crore to Rs 144 lakh crore over the next three years, according to a report. Besides, the individual......
Domestic wealth management companies are hoping to and trying to fill the gap left by the retreat of foreign wealth managers in India.In the past year, the wealth management arms of IIFL,......
Individual wealth of Indians is expected to triple by financial year 2016 to Rs 249 lakh crore (Rs 249 trillion), according to Karvy Private Wealth. Individual wealth has grown from Rs 73 lakh......
For the wealthy, post-tax returns of debt funds would work out better Investors are lapping up non-convertible debentures (NCDs) as interest rates are expected to decline in the future. Within two......