The Bharatiya Janata Party’s Tamil Nadu unit chief L Murugan was on Friday detained at Tiruttani near Chennai by the police when he tried to embark on a statewide 'Vel Yatra', defying a ban.......
The Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam on Wednesday suspended its MLA Ku Ka Selvam from the party and relieved him of party posts a day after he praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi and met Bharatiya Janata......
YouTube has been asked to block a channel that has offensive content including a post against popular Tamil, Hindu hymn "Kanda Sashti Kavacham," Chennai police said on Monday. IMAGE: Giant statue......
AIADMK coordinator O Panneerselvam is said to be upset at his son Raveendranath Kumar, a Lok Sabha MP, being denied a ministerial chance for a second time in a row, beginning with the formation of......
It is increasingly clear that for the BJP to try and establish itself as an electoral force in Tamil Nadu, the party has to come out of the old Brahminical mould, observes N Sathiya Moorthy.......