Karnataka Governor H R Bharadwaj seems to be staring down the barrel. He finds himself in a lonely position even as the state Congress unit moved in on Tuesday to block all state highways between......
Amid the controversy over the issue of appointment of Lokayukta by the Governor in Gujarat, Karnataka Governor H R Bhardwaj on Wednesday said he cannot name the new anti-corruption ombudsman in the......
Notwithstanding Centre rejecting H R Bhardwaj's recommendation on imposing President's rule in Karnataka, Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa on Monday said he would continue to demand the recall of the......
Karnataka Governor H R Bhardwaj on Wednesday said he has a list of corrupt people in the state and offered to furnish it to those interested. "I have given the list to Chief Minister B S......
Renewing his attack on the Bharatiya Janata Party government in Karnataka, Governor H R Bhardwaj on Friday charged it with having 'failed' to check illegal mining and demanded that Chief Minister......
Independent directors, who served on the boards of many companies without taking interest and spent insignificant amounts of time in meetings, have turned corporate governance into a 'farce',......