The Bharatiya Janata Party on Saturday released its first list of 29 candidates for the Delhi assembly polls, fielding former MP Parvesh Verma from the New Delhi seat against ex-chief minister and......
Former Jawaharlal Nehru University student and activist Umar Khalid has completed four years in jail after being arrested in connection with the 2020 northeast Delhi communal riots. IMAGE: Former......
A 53-year-old man died on Thursday when a portion of the Gokulpuri Metro Station on the Pink Line in northeast Delhi collapsed, the police said. The man was on his scooter when he came under the......
Manoj Tiwari is the only sitting MP whom the BJP has retained. IMAGE: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi with Kanhaiya Kumar, the party candidate from the North East Delhi constituency, at an election......
A court in New Delhi on Saturday discharged former Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) student Umar Khalid and United Against Hate founder Khalid Saifi in a case related to the 2020 northeast Delhi......
By 2021, Delhi will have 26 special bus corridors of 294 km. The Delhi government has already cleared the first of these, the 16.3-km Ambedkar Nagar-Delhi Gate corridor, under its proposed......