The police on Saturday detained the Aam Aadmi Party Member of Parliament Bhagwant Mann and several party workers ahead of a farmers' meeting at Doliya in Bhavnagar district of Gujarat. "We have......
With just a few days left for the Delhi assembly poll campaign to end, leaders and workers of the Aam Aadmi Party from Gujarat are camping in the national capital to aggressively canvass for the......
While voters have been traditionally used to Kshatriya candidates in Bhavnagar, parties have fielded candidates from a different community this time around, and it would be interesting see how the......
United Progressive Alliance candidate Pranab Mukherjee is all set to be elected the 14th President of India on Sunday when the counting of votes will take place. Mukherjee's path to victory has......
After Keshubhai Patel's defection from the Bharatiya Janata Party, another rebel MLA from the party has decided to take on Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi under the banner of his Sadbhavna......
We're far ahead of you, is the Gujarat government's reaction to the central government's proposed Bill on land acquisition and the associated relief and rehabilitation of those displaced."We had......