Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut on Friday appeared before Bandra police in Mumbai along with her sister to record statements in a case of sedition and spreading communal hatred, and claimed in a......
Kangna Ranaut has been called many things. Eye makeup enthusiast, stylish and, in some instances, even hot.But when Aamir Khan was asked who he thought was the sexiest actress in Bollywood......
Knowledge of dance is one of the foremost requirements for Bollywood stars. Jiggling to a chartbuster not only boosts their demand among fans but also stage concerts-hosting sponsors. While the......
What good are super powers without a chick to impress? Before Krrish 3 releases, we ask you to check out the various women who’ve enchanted our Bollywood superheroes and pick the best of the......
Even the most enterprising fashion lover is known to run out of ideas for their next fun night out every once in a while. But personal stylists and a steady inflow of designer outfits ensure that......
Actors aren't the only ones making blockbusters. Meet the ladies who matter in the movie business. Rs 100 crore hits are not always male-driven any more. Bollywood's heroines seem to have risen up......