The transgender community in Tamil Nadu hopes the bill, once it becomes law, will give them a dignified status and make more private sector jobs available to them, reports R Ramasubramanian in......
'Our religion had some important philosophies regarding trans people that cannot be ignored.''Contemporary India is refusing and ignoring transgender people.' IMAGE: Kalki Subramaniam believes......
Made in Heaven began streaming on Amazon Prime Video on March 8. Written by Zoya Akhtar, Reema Kagti and Alankrita Shrivastava, Made in Heaven has 9 episodes and four directors -- Nitya Mehra,......
Mani Ratnam's Raavan in Hindi and Anurag Kashyap's The Girl in Yellow Boots will play in out-of-competition slot at the 67th Venice Film Festival, opening on September 1. Ratnam, who will be......