Bollywood veteran actors Tabu and Irfan Khan's upcoming movie Talvar, which is based on 2008 mysterious Arushi Talwar murder case, is set to be premiered at 2015 Toronto International Film......
It's been a good Cannes for India this year! The Theatre Lumiere echoed to thunderous ovations as the awards were announced at the end of the 68th Cannes International Film Festival. The......
Chennai-based theatre artist Kalieaswari Srinivasan was the female lead in the French film Dheepan, directed by the legendary Jacques Audiard (A Prophet). In the picture (left): Kalieaswari......
'We may have played a small part, but being a part of the film that has won the prestigious award Palme d'Or is definitely a great honour.' Suresh Balaje and George Pius, who own......
'Outsiders are the ones who have to make the biggest journey to realise themselves, to come back to some sense of normality.' Director Jacques Audiard and actor Jesuthasan Antonythasan discuss the......