Tamil movie star Dhanush and Aishwaryaa decided to part ways on Monday, January 17, 2022, after being married for 18 years. Namrata Thakker looks back at their love story through pictures.......
I vividly remember the first few years when Dhanush marked his entry in Tamil cinema: A scrawny young man who could be your boy-next-door or just any face in the crowd. In 2002, I was in Class 11.......
Selvaraghavan has yet again scripted a bold tale of love, pain and turmoil, but has spoiled it by getting overly dramatic, feels S Saraswathi. Director Selvaraghavan’s wife and former......
Selvaraghavan has done it again! Unlike some films you see and forget the moment you step out of the theatre, 7 G Rainbow Colony remains with you, disturbs you and lingers like the glowing embers......