A Delhi court on Friday held as "maintainable" a private complaint filed by Janata Party chief Subramanian Swamy seeking prosecution of former Telecom Minister A Raja in the 2G spectrum case."I am......
A former senior Central Bureau of Investigation official was on Monday sentenced to one-year imprisonment by a Delhi court for demanding and accepting bribe for not invoking TADA against the Jain......
A special Delhi court has ordered an inquiry by the Central Bureau of Investigation into alleged disproportionate assets of former Research and Analysis Wing chief A K Verma, who headed the......
A former army officer's plea for the Central Bureau of Investigation probe into alleged corruption in procurement of some electronic equipment for the Research and Analysis Wing and the Special......
A scientist-cum-textile engineer has been acquitted by a court in New Delhi of the charge of accepting bribe for clearing a sample of electrical cables relating to Indo-Pak border lightning......
The Central Bureau of Investigation on Tuesday said it was not aware of the threat to national security posed by allocation of 2G spectrum to some telecom firms, which subsequently offloaded......