A weekly digest of all the news that will surely shock and make you laugh at the same time! 1) Ouch! Man undergoes over 4500 piercings in eight hours A tattoo-addict has smashed the......
Like infamous judge Simon Cowell before her, Ellen Degeneres is leaving her position as judge on Fox's hit show American Idol, saying it was not the 'right fit' for her. Earlier, Degeneres has......
Akshat Singh, a die-hard Salman Khan fan and currently a semi finalist on India's Got Talent, recently traveled to the US to meet Ellen DeGeneres. He recounts his experience here. Eight-year-old......
Get your low down on what's happening in the world of Hollywood, right here! Its official! Jennifer Lopez and Aerosmith frontman Stephen Tyler will be judging the upcoming 10th series of American......
'I want to tell everyone that whether you are fat, slim, tall, short, black or white, it does not matter. What you are doing from the bottom of your heart is what matters.' India’s young......
The annual Forbes list of world's 100 most powerful celebrities is out. While there are some routine appearances as well as new entrants, the list is prominently populated by women achievers.......