Swaraj Abhiyan leader Prashant Bhushan on Friday claimed the Delhi government's new Janlokpal Bill is different from what was drafted during the Anna Hazare-led anti-corruption movement, as the......
A day after talks on Lokpal Bill failed, activist Anna Hazare on Thursday accused the government of having no intention of enacting a strong anti-corruption law and said he will undertake an......
Activist-lawyer Prashant Bhushan on Saturday accused Arvind Kejriwal of playing the “biggest fraud” on people by diluting the provisions of the Jan Lokpal draft of the Anna......
A day after the Delhi Cabinet cleared the Jan Lokpal Bill, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal recounted his days with ‘Team Anna’ when he had burnt copies of the United Progressive......
‘Kejriwal’s way of working is ‘my way or the highway’. If you don’t say Kejriwal zindabad then you will be thrown out of the party.’ ‘I feel Kejriwal is a......