The police custody of sacked Uttarakhand minority panel chief Sukhdev Singh Namdhari, booked on charges of murder in slain liquor baron Ponty Chadha shootout case, was extended on Wednesday by a......
'Unlike Andhra Pradesh or Tamil Nadu, there is no opportunity for workers to earn a livelihood in Bihar.'M I Khan reports on the dilemma confronting lakhs of Bihar's migrants who have returned to......
In India, rape is the fourth most common crime against women. If one goes by the National Crime Records Bureau statistics, a shocking 93 women are raped in the country each day and a total of......
(From left to right): Wrestlers Jitendar Singh, Manoj Kumar, Suman Kundu, Ritu Malik, Raveender Singh show their medals at the 35th National Games. Photograph: PTI Commonwealth and Asian Games......