In a major setback to crisis-hit Jignesh Shah-led Financial Technologies group, Sebi ruled it is not "fit and proper" to own stakes in any stock exchange and directed it to divest existing holdings......
The NSEL scam, involving Rs 5,600 crore, came to light after the now defunct exchange, promoted by Financial Technologies, failed to pay its investors in commodity pair contracts after July 31,......
The government has decided to merge National Spot Exchange Ltd, which is embroiled in a Rs 5,600-crore (Rs 56-billion) payment crisis, with its holding group Financial Technologies. The crisis-hit......
Stating that crisis-hit NSEL is "bereft of any credibility", regulator FMC on Tuesday said it has recommended the government to consider merger of the spot commodity exchange with its promoter FTIL......
Two days after Mumbai Police attached his properties, Jignesh Shah, director of the beleaguered National Spot Exchange Ltd, on Thursday told investigators that he was making "relentless"......