Car maker Volkswagen said on Thursday it has launched petrol variants of its sedan Jetta in the country, priced between Rs 13.60 lakh or Rs 1.36 million and Rs 15.07 lakh or Rs 1.5 million......
The Virtus is indeed designed to look, act and behave like a well-built European sedan that swims in the segment between the compact sedan VW Vento and the larger Passat, says Pavan Lall. All......
The subtle updates on the Volkswagen Jetta facelift have made the sedan even more appealing and certainly makes a statement with its timeless design, says Faisal Ali Khan from
Carmaker Volkswagen on Wednesday launched its Passat TSI model and the Jetta common rail diesel engine in India. The Passat 1.8 L TSI is priced at Rs 19.20 lakh or Rs 1.92 million (ex-showroom New......
The Skoda Octavia has ruled the D-segment since the time it was launched a couple of years back but now the Hyundai Elantra and Volkswagen Jetta have got a facelift which boost their appeal, says......