Special thanksgiving prayers were organised to celebrate Mother Teresa’s 106th birth anniversary on Friday, coming just a few days ahead of her proposed canonisation in Vatican on September......
Two millennia of Indian Christianity will have its greatest moment of joy and pride when Pope Benedict XVI elevates Kerala-born Sister Alphonsa to the status of saint on Sunday. Sister Alphonsa......
When Pope Francis canonises Mother Teresa at the Vatican on September 4, she will officially be recognised as a saint of the Roman Catholic Church. However, for the legion of her followers in......
She gave shelter to dying destitutes, a refuge to abandoned babies. Discarded lives found solace in the warmth she radiated. She faced criticism for highlighting poverty and tarnishing the image of......
I know this will come as news to many: The 'VII' in the title of my last column is not an exaggerated 'peace' sign; it is the Roman numeral signifying '7.' Meaning, that was the seventh in the......