Born free... ...but everywhere in chains -- that summation of the human condition drives John Bowe's expose on slavery in the land of the free, finds Arthur J Pais Award-winning journalist (Gig:......
After WalMart, the $38-billion JC Penney Company Inc, United States' largest catalogue merchant and among the biggest departmental stores, is coming to India with a $120-130 million shopping......
Wal-Mart, JC Penney, Zail and Signity - the big retail chains of the first world are making a beeline for Indian shores to source jewellery.While Made in India jewellery has been adorning western......
In India, founders coming back to their companies is unheard of as the promoters never go away. However, globally, there are numerous instances of ex-leaders -founders or chief executive officers......
Big American retailers such as JC Penney and Macy’s allow Indian buyers to pay in rupees for shipments. They are not present in this country but some of the largest US-based......
Recognising its contribution to environment protection through energy efficiency, the US government has selected Indian billionaire Lakshmi Mittal-led ArcelorMittal for its Energy Star Partner of......