Former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Kalyan Singh will officially make a return to the BJP fold at Narendra Modi's ‘vijay shankhnad rally’ in Lucknow on Sunday. Singh, MP from Etah......
With just 10 days left for the court verdict on Ayodhya title suits, political leader Kalyan Singh said he would visit the disputed site on September 16 to have "darshans" of Lord Ram and discuss......
Apparently extending an invitation to expelled Samajwadi Party leader Amar Singh to join its fold, Jankranti Party, floated by Kalyan Singh, said on Tuesday thatthey shared same views and ideology.......
Surat -- Gujarat’s diamond city and the epicentre of the Patidar quota movement -- is set for a tough assembly poll battle as the Congress has added the face of the Patidar agitation Hardik......