Few hours after their escape from police custody in Jammu and Kashmir's Ramban district, two top militants of Harkat-ul-Jehad Islami were on Thursday arrested from Doda district. "Both the......
Jammu and Kashmir police on Friday appealed to media not to carry "speculative" details about theHarkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami email in connection with the Delhi high court blast. Inspector General of......
Mehrajuddin Wani, a militant suspected to be involved in the 13-year-old Kandahar hijack case, will be sent to the Joint Interrogation Cell for thorough questioning to garner more information about......
Over 50 terrorists are undergoing training in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir and effort is being made to push them to this side of the border, a top Jammu and Kashmir Police official on Tuesday said.......
Jammu and Kashmir recorded "zero infiltration" for the first time in 2011 despite several attempts along the India-Pakistan border, the police said on Tuesday. "2011 is first year that has......