President A P J Abdul Kalam will be presented a special robe with 4 inch-wide gold thread-work at the Jammu University's convocation ceremony on Thursday."All arrangements for the 11th special......
In a fresh attempt to restore peace in the volatile Jammu region, Governor N N Vohra on Wednesday night appointed a four-member team to talk to the protesters and end the month-long stalemate in......
After raising India's heckles by issuing visas in a separate sheet of paper to several residents of Jammu and Kashmir, China issued a visa stamped on passport to former Jammu University vice......
Young National Conference Chief Omar Abdullah, who is set to don the mantle of chief minister on Monday, has a difficult road ahead with terrorism as well as growing regional and urban-rural divide......
India's top civilian awards were announced on Friday. External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee and star cricketer Sachin Tendulkar have been chosen for the Padma Vibhushan awards. Other noted......
CfP's PeaceTalks initiative is a platform for highlighting creative action aimed at resolving conflicts, says Rajni Bakshi. Violence is generally considered to have more voice. By contrast peace......