's Ganesh Nadar shares his experience after witnessing Tamil Nadu's annual bull-taming festival, which is celebrated as part of the harvest festival of Pongal. Rural......
The final day of Jallikattu lived up to all the hype surrounding the tremendously popular sport. A Ganesh Nadar shares his ringside view with us. The night before Jallikattu – an ancient bull......
Trashing Tamil Nadu's bull-taming festival, Dr S Chinny Krishna, vice chairman Animal Welfare Board of India, say that Jallikattu is not just unjust to the bulls but is also illegal the way it is......
Villages in Tamil Nadu's Madurai district are geared up to host Jallikattu, the controversial bull taming game, with many strict restrictions put in place following a Supreme Court order. A Ganesh......
'The bull does not want to go in front of the crowd, so they put chillies on his private parts etc to make him enter the game arena.' IMAGE: One of the photographs activist Manoj Oswal submitted......
It's raining movies and Web series on Amazon Prime Video. The OTT platform, which is five years old in India, announced 41 titles at a big bash in Mumbai on Thursday. Please click on the images for......