Unlike other Bigg Boss contestants, Jaan Kumar Sanu is relatively a new face. He's definitely the underdog of the 14th season. So will he make it to the top five or lift the coveted Bigg Boss......
Rakhi Sawant threw a party for her friends from Bigg Boss, and it saw quite a turn-out! Rakhi was a part of the first Bigg Boss season in India, as well as the latest one. She wore......
The latest task in Bigg Boss has a shocking outcome. Which of the contestants will go to the finale week? Eijaz Khan and Abhinav Shukla discuss this, and the former feels that Kavita Kaushik and......
It's all in the game, of course! Wednesday's episode resumes with the captaincy task, Ek Tha Raja Ek Thi Rani. Abhinav Shukla and Rahul Vaidya get into a spat and they continue fighting till the......
Will Jaan Kumar Sanu get evicted this week?Or will Kavita Kaushik leave the house once again? Monday's episode starts with Kavita Kaushik and Aly Goni getting into a heated argument, where the......