The latest updates from the Tamil film industry. Madhavan’s Irudhi Suttru, directed by Sudha Kongara, has been creating waves ever since its release a week ago. Director Bala praised the......
Irudhi Suttru is an enjoyable sports drama that keeps you hooked, says S Saraswathi. Sports dramas are a rarity for the Tamil audience. The year 2015, however, saw the release of two films with a......
The second Annual Fortune IIFA Utsavam weekend saw some of the biggest stars of the Kannada, Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam film industries. Pictures from the gala event. Sonal Chauhan looks......
S Saraswathi recommends the fun film, Andavan Kattalai. After the super success of Kaaka Muttai and Kuttrame Thandanai, director M Manikandan returns with yet another brilliantly crafted film......
The first six months of 2016 saw over 100 Tamil movie releases, giving cine-goers plenty to choose from. While some films hit the jackpot, most ended up biting the dust. Among the top actors,......