Anil Ambani Group firm Reliance Power's IPO on Thursday generated a record demand, with bids pouring in for shares worth Rs 2,34,000 crore ($ 60 billion) an amount that is over three times the......
The government on Monday said it will kickstart its ambitious Rs 30,000 crore (Rs 300 billion) divestment programme with stake sale in RINL this month. "We have lined up all the cases for the next......
Power Finance Corporation Ltd filed its revised prospectus on Monday with market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India to come out with its initial public offering. The state-run lending......
With increasing volatility at the Dalal Street, investors are now shifting their money from the secondary market to the primary market to get assured returns, say analysts."The recent IPOs have got......
With the Power Ministry seeking Cabinet's nod for Power Finance Corporation's initial public offer, the state-run company has firmed up plans to conduct road hows for attracting investors toward......