The ongoing Kochi IPL controversy will be discussed in Parliament on Friday. Minister of State for External Affairs Shashi Tharoor is expected to make a personal statement, as sought by the party......
Newly-appointed IPL commissioner Chirayu Amin on Monday said his immediate priority is to clean up the Twenty20 league, which has been rattled by a massive financial scandal. Amin replaced the......
Baroda Cricket Association chief Chirayu Amin will head theIndian Premier League. The Board of Control for Cricket in India on Monday saidAmin, who is also one of its vice-presidents and a......
Upset with his remarks on Sachin Tendulkar on Twitter over the controversial Jaipur pitch, Board of Control for Cricket in India on Tuesday served showcause notice on Rajasthan Cricket Association......
How do cheer girls promote the cause of cricket? Why are players auctioned like "gladiators" in IPL system of cricket? These were some of the questions members of the Parliamentary Standing......
The Indian Premier League formally entered its post-Lalit Modi era on Thursday as the franchisees discussed the nitty-gritty of the tournament with the Board of Control for Cricket in India to......