India has stockpiled at least 40 lakh antipersonnel landmines making it the fifth largest stock in the world but is not an active user, an international report has said. India remains an active......
The militant conglomerate, United Jihad Council with headquarters in Muzaffarabad has announced its ban on the use of anti-personnel landmines by militant groups in Kashmir. UJC is a conglomerate......
The watch your step sign on wet floors should take a critical meaning in a field of landmines where one wrong move could prove fatal. It seems such fields may not be uncommon in nations of the......
The anti-Islamabad unrest in Balochistan continues unabated.The unrest is due to anger over:The suppression of the nationalist aspirations of the Balochs by the government in Islamabad;the lack of......
Neymar becomes goodwill ambassador for world's disabled IMAGE: Newly appointed Goodwill Ambassador for Handicap International and Paris Saint-Germain's soccer player Neymar. Photograph: Denis......