Eyeing a third consecutive term in Haryana, the Bharatiya Janata Party on Thursday released its manifesto for the assembly polls, promising a Rs 2,100 monthly assistance for women, two lakh......
Maybe, the need for secrecy may have tied the government's hand from sharing details in Parliament. Still, it should consider the need of sharing the utmost within any consultative committee, so......
No process can offer a panacea for ethnic conflict, but there are times at which a legal process could work to defuse violence, asserts Supreme Court lawyer Devvrat. IMAGE: Women burn effigies......
The Xi Jinping regime might try to quell internal distress by directing nationalism and militarism against India, warn Ajay Shah and Gautam Bambawale. IMAGE: The Indian Army conducted Operation......
India's negotiating posture at multilateral negotiations should be aligned with a significantly transformed development strategy domestically.The positions the country takes at the negotiations......
Iran and Pakistan have signed a deal in Turkey paving the way for constructing the much-delayed natural gas pipeline that was originally envisaged to extend up to India. The Inter-State Gas......
The agreement on pricing last month marks a significant step towards promoting energy security in the region, say Nisha Taneja & Samridhi Bimal. Image: The recently concluded agreement on the......
Cheque payments will be safer; the limit for contactless card transactions hiked.Bindisha Sarang reports. Illustration: Dominic Xavier/Rediff.com Several rules that have a bearing on your......
A 9-minute lights-out by most of households on Sunday evening can potentially collapse the grid due to sudden drop and then a quick surge after the event. But to manage the dramatic changes......
At a time when crude oil and natural gas prices are sky-high, public sector behemoth ONGC's haphazard planning and mismanagement in developing showpiece deep-sea KG-D5 block is costing the nation......