Chipmaker Intel on Wednesday introduced 4th generation Intel core processors, which the company claims will reinvent personal computing with longer battery life, more advanced graphics and new......
Delllaunched on Thursday a 15.4 inch notebook, with starting price of Rs 53,000.The new notebook 'XPS M1530' has a starting weight just under six pounds and features a one-inch profile, a senior......
The time has come for the sleek to nudge out the bulky. A new range of aesthetically-designed notebooks is set to lure your senses. Sony has added an Vaio CR - Apple MacBook-like notebook - to its......
'Some of these companies are India focused, some are overseas focused and some companies are focused on both.' Ritu Jha/ reports from California. ALSO READ:......
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, goes the saying. But the stakes are very high, and it's hard work pleasing youngsters.Recession-hit tech companies believe 2011 will be a promising year.......