Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday embarked on INS Vikramaditya, India’s largest warship aircraft carrier. This is his first outing on a military asset. After arriving in Goa around......
After a delay of almost five years, India's largest warship aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya on Tuesday reached its home base Karwar in Karnataka. Click NEXT to read...
After a gap of over two decades, India is operating two aircraft carriers in its maritime zone with the arrival of its largest warship INS Vikramaditya in the Arabian Sea where it is now operating......
Russia has sent out aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya for final sea trial in the White Sea before delivering it to India in early December. A mixed Russian-Indian crew is on board the warship. The......
INS Vikramaditya, formerly the Admiral Gorshkov aircraft carrier, is undergoing sea trials before delivery to the Indian Navy.During the trials, scheduled to last 120 days, the ship's all systems......
Modi, an active social media user, has added seven million Facebook followers in just five months to have a fan base of over 25 million. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has added about seven million......