Chief Information Commissioner Shailesh Gandhi has written to Chief Justice of India S H Kapadia about his recent remarks that irrelevant RTI queries hampered the work of judiciary, saying this may......
For former central information commissioner Shailesh Gandhi, the RTI Act remains a powerful ally, finds A Ganesh Nadar Legislators are reported to have collectively thrashed police sub-inspector......
There is a great need to introduce a transparent process to select information commissioners, who are expected to oversee transparency, says former Central Information Commissioner Shailesh Gandhi.......
The Central Information Commission has directed the Central Bureau of Investigation to disclose proposals sent to Union home ministry seeking permission for tapping telephones. Information......
Last year, Jadavpur University, one of the premium educational institutes of Kolkata, had hit the headlines for the wrong reasons. On September 17, a group of students who were sitting on......
In response to a RTI application seeking to make public a report by the Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel under the Ministry of Environment and Forest, Information Commissioner Shailesh Gandhi......
The Central Information Commission is contemplating to make public all the property transactions taking place in the national capital and has sought the views of the Delhi government on it.The case......
In a major development towards bringing transparency in the probe into black money stashed in Swiss banks, the Central Information Commission has directed the Enforcement Directorate to make public......
The Central Information Commission has sought an explanation from the Delhi Employment Exchange for not sending any interview call letter to a job seeker who had applied for the post of a clerk......
Nearly 9000 files in the office of the Information Commissioner have been digitised as part of the Central Information Commission's plan to convert 23 lakh pages of old records in digital format.......