Tata Motors on Monday launched high-end variants of its entry level sedan, Indigo CS series, priced between Rs 4,08,000 and Rs 5,10,000. The new variants are petrol GLX model and two diesel LX......
IndiGo CEO Ronojoy Dutta announced on Thursday that the airline was instituting pay cuts for senior employees and he would himself take the highest cut of 25 per cent amid the novel coronavirus......
Sanand produced only 515 Nanos in January, and sold even less, just around 391 units. As Sanand continues to make the Tiago, now expected to touch a production of 5,000 units a month, the flagship......
The Maruti Suzuki Dzire is the best-selling car in this category, despite the fact that it costs about Rs 20,000 more than the second-bestseller, the Hyundai Xcent. Tata Motors ended its......
The Tata Zest is such an impressive vehicle that it is bound to be a massive success in the Indian market, writes Faisal Ali Khan of MotorBeam.com Tata Motors can be credited for starting many......