Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal said on Thursday that the government will try to start national free roaming for customers before October this year."Telecom Regulatory Authority of India has floated a......
Nearly 40 years after the virtual world started, companies and individuals will be able to apply for any address on the Internet and not be limited to just the 21 suffixes like .com (accounting for......
The web is running out of addresses. Internet Protocol version 4 or IPv4 is the existing protocol that is used for Internet addresses. However, according to the Internet Assigned Numbers......
The sales of the ".org" domain -- the Internet address for most nonprofit organisations -- are growing faster in India than any other major nation, a top manager for the domain said Monday.Although......
It all started a year back. I was on leave and just as I began enjoying my afternoon siesta, my mobile rang. It was Malini Nair from Citibank trying to sell a women's credit card. Malini: Good......