The Congress on Tuesday accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of taking a 'vow of silence' on issues such as the ethnic violence in Manipur and Chinese incursions, and said opposition parties were......
The terror e-mail claiming responsibility for the serial bomb blasts in Delhi on Saturday was sent from an IP address of a power company in Mumbai, officials from the Anti-Terrorism Squad said.......
As the investigations into the serial blasts progress, it becomes clear that the police were caught napping despite warnings and alerts from the Intelligence Bureau over the past couple of months.......
The news about the entry of two foreign nationals in to the city that has prompted the government agencies to issue high alert will not participate in any terrorist attack themselves. According to......
Yaseen Bhatkal, a distant relative of Indian Mujhahideen founder Riyaz Bhatkal, has been named the mastermind of the Pune blast by Maharashtra's Anti-Terrorism Squad. A blast in German bakery,......