The Bharatiya Janata Party on Thursday named K Annamalai, who quit the IPS to join politics, as its Tamil Nadu state unit president in place of L Murugan, who has joined the Modi government as a......
The Supreme Court on Wednesday sentenced six persons to life imprisonment for the murder of Indian Oil executive Manjunath. Manjunath was shot dead in November 2005 in Uttar Pradesh's Lakhimpur......
A former Indian Army officer, who had joined one of the United Nations agencies three weeks ago, was killed in war-torn Rafah in Gaza, becoming the 'first international casualty' for the world body......
The Lucknow Bench of the Allahabad High Court commuted the death sentence of main accused Pawan Kumar Mittal to life imprisonment in the Manjunath murder case on Friday. The court also acquitted......
The refresher course will help participants complete ongoing projects in their respective departments via close coordination with other departments and the bureaucracy.Virendra Singh Rawat reports.......
We are approaching the first anniversary of the Lehman Brothers collapse. Lehman's filing for bankruptcy on September 15 last year triggered the near-collapse of the western financial system and......
Indian Institute of Management-Lucknow has entered into an understanding with Kelley School of Business of Indiana University in the US for cooperation in business education."A memorandum of......
India may have a per capita incomeof about $17,000 by the year 2050, which is same as Korea's at present. Also, incremental demand is expected to rise by 10 percent over the next five years,......
The Indian Institute of Management Lucknow will host around 30 foreign students and send 45 of its own abroad as part of a student exchange programme. President, Student Exchange Cell, Prof......
The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation is one of the four metros in the world to have operating profits among 135 metros globally, the Indian Institute of Management Lucknow has concluded in a recent......
While some thousand fans were en route from Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey heading to the Trump Taj Mahal Casino Friday evening for an event advertised as 'Dinner with Shah Rukh Khan',......