With India-Pakistan relations hitting a new low, Islamabad on Friday said that there was a need to 'de-escalate' the tension and it was awaiting a response to its proposals regarding the joint......
India's High Commissioner to Pakistan Satyabrata Pal, known as 'Sato Pal' amongst friends, is a top contender for the most crucial postings for an Indian diplomat-- in the India embassy in......
Welcoming Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's proposal for a peace treaty with Pakistan, President Pervez Musharraf has said that the settlement of the Kashmir problem was imperative for durable and......
Pakistan on Monday briefed India on its probe into the Mumbai terror attacks, including the follow-up steps it plans to take in the coming days, even as New Delhi said it will wait for the......
Security has been beefed up for Indian diplomats in Pakistan after authorities received intelligence warning that suicide bombers have entered Islamabad to target Indian High Commissioner......
Holding Pakistan responsible for South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation's 'underperformance', India has said the bloc was nowhere near achieving its potential due to Islamabad's......
The Indian call centres, particularly those in Bangalore, are comparable to the best in the world, an author of a new book on outsourcing has claimed."The call centres are well manned as a large......
Perturbed over the continuing loss of jobs in Britain, a House of Commons Committee plans to launch a wide-ranging inquiry into alleged loss of call centre and IT jobs from the United Kingdom to......
Building on the trust generated over years of delivering offshore IT services, India is now the natural destination for business process outsourcing in the world, director general of the......